lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009


27 th, Carlit Road
Catelló d'Empúries
14529 Girona

Dear Patricia,

Please you have yo belive me, I miss you so much. Every morenin, when I get up, I think about you, ande the same every night, because I have this situation, this distance.

I know that you're sure that your boyfriend and me have a little romance, relationship, when you're working, but all this is an horrible lie, because you know. The only that I want is be another time your friend like before. Because the other people for me are not enought.

I'll do wherever you want, but please belive me. Patricia, you're so beautiful ans nice ¿ you know that?. Well that's it all, if you want drink a beer, please phome me one of this days.


Laura Alomar

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