lunes, 2 de junio de 2008

Summer. Second conversation

- Hey Nuri! What will you do this summer?
-I'll go to work at the beach. And you?
-More or less on the 20th I'll work in a clothes shop, here in Empuriabrava. You know?
-Ahhh, Ok! The same shop as last year?
-No,no, this time I'll work in another place. But it's the same kind of store. Will you go to any exotic country with your family?
-No, however we'll travel to New York city.
-Oh I'm jealous
-Will you go to any where?
-No, I won't. This summer I haven't any free days in my timertable, but in setember when I have finished working in the shop I'll probably travel to London to visit Candem.
-I don't like London...
-Because is very expensive, and I hate the typical foggy days of London.
-Yes, I'm agree with you

-It's very late and I have to do a lot of homeworks, because like you know, these are the last days.
-I know. I'm a little worried about my marks. I hope to pass to second batxillerat, well bye! ;)
-See you Laura!

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