lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009

Dies in a crime after denouncing the abuse

In this press release is violated the right to physical and psychological integrity of humans.

Cristina M. R. , 29 years old , died yesterday in the afternoon at his home in Cigüeña street in a neighborhood of Los Pajaritos in Sevilla.The alleged killer was her husband, Pedro C. M. 27 years old, according to police sources it caused several injuries with a knife. Other sources indicated that the woman had filed at least two complaints of abuse against their partner.

In my opinion is really sad that nowadays hapen this things. Homo homini lupus. And more sad yet because the women had denuncied twice her husband for was punished she serveral times. The law in XXI century is pathetic. I'm not sure if is better first try to change the sick braind of the mens who do all this horribol thinks or try to change our law, because maybe it's a little soft with the sentences.

But the truth is that the worse thing of all this current situations is the reaction or better, the no-reaction of all this womens for fear. In general is so sad stop to do things for your fear but worse is in this situations, for the fear to one person who live with you and share our lives.Please this is similar to the terror film argument.

For finally I only can say , be corageous ;)


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