miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008


Even that seems unbelievable, in Spain there are an average of one hundred divorces by year. ¿ is that the pace of life of the XXI century doesn't leave us be happy with our respective couples? ¿Or is that the love of our age is not as pure as it was in the XIX century? The main objective in my first oral presentation is speech the possibles reasons which nowadays the relationships aren't going well, while I make a comparation with the relationships typical of XIX century, the same period of the film Pride and prejudice. Like you shall know as well

It would be the best start explaining, with examples of scenes from the film, such as were the relationships between men and women in the XIX century. To begin, the most important of this relation was the cordiality between the two people. Man always dealt with very politely the ladies. On the film we can observe this fact every time that Lizzy stood up of table or when she appeared in the room, because the man, in this case Mr. Darcy, always stood up, without exception. Another sign of that education, that can be seen in the film and describes very well the situation of the time, is the fact that when men and women were greeted, both in private and in public, they did a little bow. But leaving to another side the relations between persons of the same social class, it should be emphasize the fact that marriages characteristics of the nineteenth century were of economic convenience or the endogamy marriages for preserve the prestige and economics from the same family. With love or not, the marriage didn't break and despite all the problems of a couple, in public, had a formality present at all times.

On the other side of the coin seems to be that romantic relationships of our time are based on sex, in the economic interest and of course in confidence. When one of these three pillars of the relationship fails, the happiness ends. It seems that now the love no exists, there are more hate at first sight that Platonic love. Education and respect has been lost. Every year there are more problems with gender violence and machismo becomes more illogical. Marriages are divorcing continuously, usually after the summer because they are the months of the year in which the couple spends more time together and because nowadays have sex outside the relationship are very common.

In conclusion I would say that even that I believe in love at first sight and love in general terms, it appears that if you live with this mentality you live in another world, one characteristic of the fanciful romantic movies. The frivolity returns to the couples own of the nineteenth century. Somehow there are some connections between the two eras, respect the little human contact between two people and also the interest from a couple.

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